February 7, 1pm ET
NAREIM, in partnership with Ferguson Partners and 19 commercial real estate organizations globally, publishes the Global Real Estate DEI Survey. The survey is the only corporate study of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) management practices and data benchmarking in the commercial real estate industry.
On January 17, 2024 - the latest edition of the Survey will be released.
The Survey represents more than 215 firms covering almost 300,000 FTEs and nearly $2tn of assets under management. This virtual conversation is to help members ask questions about the results - and to engage with one another on where they are leaning into and out of DEI programs as they look to their 2024 organizational strategy.
Join us on Feb 7, 2024 for this interactive, live discussion on the latest results from the Global Real Estate DEI Survey.
February 7, 2024
1pm: Welcome comments
1pm: Review of the Global Real Estate DEI Survey - key results and trends from 2023
Ferguson Partners shares top line results from the US and Canadian submissions to the Global Real Estate DEI Survey, due to be released January 17, 2024, outlining year-over-year changes and where the industry saw traction in key DEI metrics.
Dionna Johnson Sallis, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Ferguson Partners
Lindsay Wilhusen, Survey Director, Ferguson Partners.
1.30pm: Q&A member discussion
Members are invited to ask questions directly of one another and Ferguson Partners as they look to understand where firms are leaning into DEI programs and where activity is slowing down.
2pm: End of virtual meeting
NAREIM meetings are open to NAREIM members only and their guests. For further information on attending meeting or other NAREIM discussions, please contact Zoe Hughes, CEO. Please note that any executive who is not a NAREIM member, guest of a member or working in the real estate investment management industry will not be admitted to NAREIM events. NAREIM reserves the right to decline any registration. By registering for NAREIM events, you are consenting to NAREIM’s privacy policy.