20/20 Investor Summit 2014
Occupancy rates and rents are stable. Property values are on the upswing. Real estate investment managers are focusing on adding value to their investors’ portfolios and expanding their own businesses. For the moment, the efforts of most REIMs are beingspent on trying to consolidate the opportunities a period of growth allows.
But how much thought, if any, are we giving to adapting to anticipated change? Howwill we respond when we hit the inevitable peak and survive the downturn to come?
The question is not meant to alarm. It is meant to reveal our flexibility and readiness to thrive in the future. This is a time to inventory strengths, self-assess exposure, and wrangle with new challenges before they become too overwhelming. The nature of thebusiness cycle is inevitable. However, the power to adapt to change is solely our own. The 2014 20/20 Investor Summit was a dexterity check, an interactive exchange between thought leaders in real estate investing.