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Real Estate Thinking, Outside the Box: NAREIM's Year in Review
NAREIM challenges its members to think outside the box. To share their intelligence with peers in an open, intimate environment. To push the boundaries of operational and management thought leadership.
Change is a constant in real estate and through its meetings, articles, magazines, surveys and discussions, NAREIM helped members share their everyday challenges and opportunities with peers so that the entire NAREIM community can find best practices and solutions to use today and in the future.
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Gunnar Branson[/caption]
Of course, NAREIM itself changed in 2018 with the departure of Gunnar Branson and the appointment of Zoe Hughes as CEO. It was a sad occasion to say goodbye to Gunnar after seven years of exceptional work to build NAREIM into the association it is today - one focused on challenging preconceived ideas of real estate investment management and into one of the leading voices about commercial real estate’s most pressing issues.
As NAREIM looks to the future, we are reminded of a quote Gunnar often cited from the influential British economist Alfred Marshall: "The most valuable of all capital is that invested in human beings."
NAREIM members invest in their talent, in developing cultures to drive performance and in continuously developing their leadership capabilities to further enhance returns. And so too is NAREIM, investing in its members, further developing its content and meetings, and continuing to strengthen the NAREIM community.
As outgoing NAREIM chairman Peter Di Corpo says in the NAREIM 2017:18 Yearbook: "NAREIM members worked together to help each company and the industry make the transition from entrepreneur to institution, a change that affects every aspect of our business.
"The transition from entrepreneurial organization to institution is an ongoing evolution that raises complex questions. In the past year, NAREIM members upheld the tradition of tackling those questions head-on."
Enjoy the issue.
Download the NAREIM 2017:18 Yearbook
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