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MEMBer Firms

We thank all our members for their support and passion for the mission of sharing what is working - and what is not - among peers in real estate investment management. Collectively, members of NAREIM™ (the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers™) oversee more than $3tn of gross real estate AUM, as of Jan 2025.

Underwriting Members

Special thanks to our underwriting members for supporting NAREIM's mission and work to advance best practice sharing and benchmarking within real estate investment management.


ECS Limited

Ferguson Partners
Juniper Square

Partner Engineering & Science


what people are saying

Bobby Bransfield

Head of Investment Management



"​NAREIM’s Executive Officer meeting consistently delivers great content, candid peer conversations and valuable insights. It's my favorite CRE industry event.”


Molly Bordonaro

Managing Partner

The Green Cities Company

"I have found NAREIM to be an incredibly positive industry association to help myself and my team think and grow. We are really valuing our membership."

Greg michaud

Head of real estate finance

voya investment management


"As Voya started down the road of being a third party CML manager one of the first steps we took was to join NAREIM. The forums, research and peer interaction has been invaluable to us and helped in our current success to date."

juan  velderrian

strategic initiatives



"I find NAREIM sessions to be very productive, using real life cases with rich and engaging conversations about topics truly relevant to data in real estate."


connor western


AEW Capital Management


"This is by far the best professional event I attend every year. The relevancy of the topics and networking sessions is unmatched."

david donato


continental realty


"You will not find a more enthusiastic group of thinkers on the present and future of real estate. I had eye-opening conversations at each table and within each session of the 2023 Executive Officer conference, but also in transit between events, at happy hour, at dinner, and even in the line to the restroom. This group is relentless. You can't help but be infected by their passion for real estate. And there is just so much we learn from each other every year at the Executive Officer meeting." 

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