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KPMG Report on Women in Alternative Investments

KPMG's fifth consecutive “Women in Alternative Investments Report” (WAI Report) titled, The Time is Now. Real Change, Real Impact, Seize the Moment is now available (Click here to view report).

Although much has changed within alternatives since the WAI Report was first launched in 2011, women remain underrepresented in the industry. Looking at the statistics, including those in this year’s Report, one might think there hasn’t been much progress for women. The majority of our respondents still believe it’s harder for women to succeed in the industry and to obtain capital than it is for their male peers. Women-owned funds still remain a very small portion- less than five percent- of the majority of investor respondents’ portfolios.

And yet, as this year’s WAI Report shows, there is reason for hope. There are new trends, new initiatives and new opportunities for women in alternatives. Firms, investors, and organizations are taking bold new steps to help truly move the needle. There are new efforts to increase the pipeline of women going into alternatives. There are novel initiatives designed to better retain and advance women. And there are greater numbers of investors considering diversity when making allocations.

Given these efforts, it is fitting that this year’s survey reached a global audience. A record number—nearly 800—of alternative investment professionals from nearly every major geographic region and sector within alternatives— hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, and real estate—responded. They shared their aspirations for women’s advancement, their views on mandates, and their beliefs regarding which regions offer the greatest opportunities for women in the industry.

This report shows the evolution of these issues within the industry. It shows how far we have come and how far we have yet to go. And it also shows how close we may be to a tipping point. It is up to all of us within the industry to seize this moment, to capitalize on this momentum and to begin the transformation.

Please click here to view report.

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