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The future of retail and office is mixed-use. But make sure to add Net Zero.

NAREIM Asset & Portfolio Management meeting

June 2, 2021

During the NAREIM Asset & Portfolio Management Meeting, members discussed the future of retail and office, where strategies are pivoting post-Covid, and how tenants are shaping their preferences for both property types. 

Members also dived into Net Zero,  understanding the landscape, and cavaets of the data as it stands today, and how member firms are beginning to execute on carbon neutral strategies at the asset and portfolio level.

Please see below for the presentations from the meeting.

Retail 2021+

Through a case study with Gerrity Group and a whole room Q&A, NAREIM members talked about current demand drivers, the impact of Covid on legacy assets, expectations for op-ex and cap-ex and where demand for retail will settle in five years time.

Presentations from:

Net Zero

How is Net Zero defined? What pledge are you signed up to? How many pledges are there? Which one is most valuable or most used? During the NAREIM meeting, members explored the definitions and strategic - as well as the practical ways of executing on carbon neutral commitments.

Presentations from:

Attendee List

Click here to download the final attendee list.


Click here to download the final agenda

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