You attend meetings to network. At NAREIM, we honor the investment of your time by ensuring our networking, activities and content is focused on helping you build personal relationships with peers, who are facing the same challenges and opportunities as you.
The NAREIM Portfolio Management, Acquisitions and Asset Management meeting is just the place to build genuine relationships and friendships. Three distinct streams of content and conversation takes place in one meeting in NYC - with shared networking for deeper cross-functional connections. Check out the agenda below.
Registration fee: $750
Wednesday, June 7
5.30pm-9pm: Networking Dinner. The Smith at NoMad, 1150 Broadway (at 27th St), NYC
Thursday, June 8
8am: Breakfast
9am: Meeting content, roundtables, workshops
The meeting will host 3 distinct streams of content, each stream dedicated to one of the following functional groups. Note each stream, will take place in separate rooms. Members will have the ability to move between streams.
Portfolio Management
Asset Management
4pm: End of meeting
The Portfolio Management, Acquisitions and Asset Management Committees are hard at work developing the agenda. See Committee members below. Please check regularly for updates to the agenda.
3 distinct meetings
3 distinct discussions
joined up networking
The Portfolio Management, Acquisitions & Asset Management meeting will host 3 distinct streams of content, each stream dedicated to one of the following functional groups. Note each stream, will take place in separate rooms. Members will have the ability to move between streams.
Click on the links below to read through to the full meeting agenda for each stream.
Portfolio Management
June 7
5.30pm: Networking dinner
The Smith NoMad, 1150 Broadway
June 8
@ Convene, 530 5th Avenue between 44th and 45th St, NYC
8am: Breakfast
8.45am: Opening Comments
9am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Part 1
9.50am: Break
10.05am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Part 2
10.55am: Break
11.15am: The Big ESG Question: How are you calculating brown discounts?
12.15pm: Lunch
1.15pm: The Evolving PM Role: How to resource & structure teams
2pm: Portfolio Allocation: What are you doing to manage risk?
2.45pm: Break
3pm: AI & Predictive Analytics for Portfolio & Investment Decision-Making
3.45pm: End of meeting
June 7
5.30pm: Networking dinner
The Smith NoMad, 1150 Broadway
June 8
@ Convene, 530 5th Avenue between 44th and 45th St, NYC
8am: Breakfast
8.45am: Opening Comments
9am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Part 1
9.50am: Break
10.05am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Part 2
10.55am: Break
Track A - 11.15am: The Big ESG Question: How are you calculating brown discounts?
Track B - 11.15am: Insurance: How are you managing cost and risk?
12.15pm: Lunch
1.15pm: What's on your mind? Live feedback & group brainstorming session
2pm: How to Resource & Staff Acquisitions Teams
2.45pm: Break
3pm: Retail, Multifamily & Industrial: Acquisitions and Dispositions Outlook
3.45pm: End of meeting
ASSET Management
June 7
5.30pm: Networking dinner
The Smith NoMad, 1150 Broadway
June 8
@ Convene, 530 5th Avenue between 44th and 45th St, NYC
8am: Breakfast
8.45am: Opening Comments
9am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Pt. 1
9.50am: Break
10.05am: Liquidity & Capital Markets Pt. 2
10.55am: Break
11.15am: Insurance: How are you managing cost and risk?
12.15pm: Lunch
1.15pm: Office Leasing Strategies: Rethinking amenities
2pm: Maintenance, Turnover & Utilities: Managing Expenses in Residential
2.45pm: Break
3pm: Best-in-Class Technology: Internal processes & vetting procedures
3.45pm: End of meeting
530 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036

NAREIM does not have a hotel room block for the Portfolio, Acquisitions &
Asset Management Meeting.
However the following hotels are located close to Convene:
Nearby hotels:
The Harvard Club and The Yale Club are also located nearby
2023 committee members
Portfolio Management Committee
Chairs: Shilp Shah & Melissa Warren, Nuveen Real Estate
John Ockerbloom, John Kennedy & Maureen Joyce, Barings Real Estate Advisors
Dara Friedman, BentallGreenOak
Larissa Belova, CBRE Investment Management
John Kjelstron & Joe Nowicki, Chatham Financial
Paul Wasserman, KKR
Bob Geiger & Justin Lia, Partner Engineering & Science
Drew Stepanek, Stockbridge Capital
David Stanford & Jim Valente, RealFoundations
Asset Management Committee
Chair: Robert L. Jones, Alidade Capital
Co-Chair: Rob Naso, BentallGreenOak
Haley Donato, Continental Realty Corporation
Krystal Arceneaux, EverWest Real Estate Investors
Erick Bracero Serrano, Kingbird Investment Management
Shawn Wei, MetLife Investment Management
Azim Hajjar, Pennybacker Capital
Kent Tarrach, PGIM Real Estate
Sophie Li, PNC Realty Investors
Brent Hall, UBS Realty Investors
Acquisitions Committee
Chair: Josh Dinstein, Continental Realty
Co-Chair: Hayley Cox, UBS Realty Investors
Jeff Hammond, Alidade Capital
Scott McKibben, Brennan Investment Group
Frank Tetel, Grubb Properties
Justin Hoogerheyde & Vincent DiSalvo, Kingbird Properties
William Zheng, MultiGreen
Bob Geiger & Justin Lia, Partner Engineering & Science
John Seaton & Jim Valente, RealFoundations
Past agendas
NAREIM meetings are open to NAREIM members only and their guests. For further information on attending meeting or other NAREIM discussions, please contact Zoe Hughes, CEO. Please note that any executive who is not a NAREIM member, guest of a member or working in the real estate investment management industry will not be admitted to NAREIM events. NAREIM reserves the right to decline any registration. By registering for NAREIM events, you are consenting to NAREIM’s privacy policy.